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Thinking about the new collection, and gearing up for the “It Matters” interview with Monica Brinkman

I’ve been thinking about Long-Distance Dedications, what should be in, and what should be out.  Reluctantly, I’ve decided that “Hackettstown” is going into the “out” pile.  “…And Ye Shall Be Healed” is definitely going in, and I think that while the stories are definitely different, they’re similar enough that they shouldn’t be in the same volume.  I will be including “Camp” in Long-Distance Dedications, and then either put “Hackettstown” in another collection, or merge it with “Camp” to make the beginnings of a novel.

I’m also anxiously awaiting my interview with Monica Brinkman.  It should be fun.  Tune in to hear me talk about my writing, and to hear an excerpt from Dave Riggler’s Stories.

I’ve done more modifications to “Leaving the Union”.  Basically, these are geographical changes.  I also found a few awkward spots in the narrative that I’ve polished, though.  Hopefully, it will be ready to go through the submission gauntlet soon.  It’s a little bit of a challenge, because this story is much larger than other stories I’ve had published, but hopefully it’ll find a nice home. 🙂


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